MenHealing provides healing resources for men, age 18 and older, who have experienced sexual harm during childhood and/or as adults. We also provide resources for loved ones and allies of men who are survivors of sexual harm.

Welcome to the MenHealing Blog, a new venture of MenHealing seeking to connect men, their partners and allies through stories, conversations and more. We hope this blog becomes a place for meaningful dialogue. In these posts you will find honest sharing of the challenges and the joys which other men experience as they journey beyond surviving to thriving. We want you to know you are not alone.
MenHealing serves all men: heterosexual and cisgender males; gay, bi, queer and nonconforming males; and our trans brothers living and identifying as male.
If something speaks to you, comment on it, share it with someone else, ask questions. We are on this journey together. We want your voice included in our community!
We Accept Submissions
Formerly considered an Alumni blog, the new blog will also include articles from MenHealing Staff, Facilitators, Board Members, and occasional guest writers from within our greater community.
We are also open for submissions from anyone at all. If your topic is related to men healing from sexual victimization, we'd love to hear from you. This includes male survivors, clinicians, journalists, writers, poets, and even visual artists. You don't have to be a professional anything. We believe all people deserve the chance to express themselves about this important topic.
We don't have a formal submission process at this time, so please reach out to us through our Contact Form.
Why subscribe?
All content in this blog is freely available to all subscribers and visitors. There are two reasons to subscribe (become a member):
- Receive all content directly by email, as it's published.
- As a Member, you will be able to participate by commenting on articles.
We have a couple of optional donation subscription levels for anyone who wants to support us, but donations are not required.